在 FB 曾經把自己 Tag with a photo of number 3
今日無意中發現 Pancake 這首歌
聽第一次, 幾拆, 幾難聽
聽第二次, 但歌詞幾有意思
聽第三次, 都不算怎難聽
聽第四次, 都 ok 丫
聽第五次, 幾好聽喎
聽第六次, 不錯~~
聽第N 次, 愛上了~~~
有些歌, 起初聽, 不怎喜歡, 但聽落, 便越聽越喜愛
就和人一樣, 有些人會一見鐘情, 但有些人, 卻要相處落, 才會發現當中微秒的火花
愛情, 從來都不能預計
有一日, 他會突然殺你一個措手不及
聽開 pancake 的歌
便會發現別人口中的戟姐, 其實都是小女子一名
可愛之餘, 也帶有感性
這是 pancake 吸引之處
Pancake – Number 3
I’m the number 3 there’s still her except you and me
Sitting on a tree talking with the leaves
I can’t believe it I’ve done what I thought I wouldn’t
I can’t accept it it’s you it’s you it’s you
And so I I close my eyes and deny sometimes
I think about you and cry
It’s no use stop asking if I do too
Though I love you I won’t admit it won’t tell you the truth
You’re a passer by wave hallo and then say goodbye
Leaving me behind falling with the leaves
December 9th, 2010 at 11:17 pm
hello, Mr. Number 3…
December 9th, 2010 at 11:17 pm
ohhh, then i should be Ms. Number 4…
4 is a meaningful no. to me :]
December 10th, 2010 at 2:57 am
Then, We are free fall~~~~!!!!!!
I may understand why 4 is meaingful to u.