今日九點多才放工, 很累..
她透過隔板向我說 : “你走前請話我聽~”
我回應 : “為甚麼? 哦, 你怕我走後, 全公司只剩下一個人?”
她接著答: “是啊”
我說 : “不用怕, 我也時常自己一個 OT, 沒甚麼特別”
她再道 : “因為你已經習慣了一個人”
我突然靜了一陣, 然後說 : “吓?!”
她解釋 : “我指自已一個人 OT~~~”
有心人聽無心話, 這句說話突然很中
習慣了? 是嗎?
考試時好想做的事情 #7 : 探望外婆
昨日放工後, 便跟隨家人到護老院探外婆
外婆精神不錯, 是近來值得開心的一件事
沒有她, 沒有媽, 便沒有我, um… 感覺很奇妙
媽在飯堂餵她吃粥的時侯, 我站在旁邊
看見整個飯堂都是老人家, 大部份的都坐上輪椅或持著柺杖, 行動不便
想像他們年輕力壯時, 在五六十年代都為香港為社會出過一分力
我們這一代才可以享受到現時的經濟繁榮, 才可以人人有書讀, 可以靠知識工作
但他們老時卻在這裏等人照顧, 就算吃一啖飯, 也不能自己辦到
要看透生老病死, 悲歡離合, 似乎還要經歷很多很多
發現到有些時侯, 某些歌不可以聽得太多
July 22nd, 2010 at 11:47 pm
今天準備QP 無意中瀏覽到你的頁面
可能工作 生活的一些感觸 之前我也似曾經過
不知道得知在網絡的一角有人看到你的文字 並感到些許共鳴 對你而言會不會是一件值得高興的事情
nice to see u here
July 24th, 2010 at 3:29 am
遇到知音人, 當然是開心啦~
在 Mystage 這一個舞台上
可以分享一些開心, 一些失落, 一些衝動, 一些滿足, 一些創作, 一些奇怪想法
而又有朋友回應, 是一件很開心的事
因為原來這舞台上, 不只我一個人…
Thanks for your words~
Nice to meet u, too~ =)
February 12th, 2012 at 1:00 am
I also attempted Dec 2011 FE as well, but fail again ..i have taken several times la and i reli wanna die becoz of this le><…when i m thinking whether i should take again ..n search some info..then 無意中read though ur blog..
How's ur result? Congra if u got pass !!! If not, cheer up n never give up
Ur backgroud/ wording is reli v familiar to me le..(n totally the same background as my ex-boyfrd..he took the sane exam as wht u did le )..tht y i wanna leave u a word here
suddenly feel that not only myself fighting the exam …(as many of my ex-colleague also got pass QP already lu )..
Nice to meet u~~ add oil~~!!
February 13th, 2012 at 3:42 am
好多謝你呀, 因為你, 我先知放左榜咋, 如果唔係仲以為下星期先放~~
加油呀, 唔好放棄, 咁辛苦先考到去 FE, 無理由而家先放棄嘛
如果你有需要, 我可以比晒我所有 notes 你架, 有 ETC, FTMS, Kaplan, 但 FE 只有 ETC (不過你既notes可能仲齊全過我)
當日我帶左 MC, MA 既 LP book, 再加各 module 既 notes and past paper, 因為考 QP, 其實 notes 既 indexing 好重要, 都係之前肥過吸受返黎既經驗…唔知對你有無幫助呢~
放心, 你絕唔係一個人
你起碼都有舊同事 或 舊同學
但我係無同事考, 亦無同學考, 上雞精班都係一個人
雖然你身邊只有你考, 但其實很多人都同你一樣努力緊
或者應該咁講, 一樣比 QP 折磨緊
支持你呀~ 因為我都一樣經歷過這種困惑同失落
, 送給曾經一起戰鬥過的你~~
其實有你地留言, 我都係好開心
因為你地都令我知道, 我並唔係一個人作戰 ;]
February 15th, 2012 at 11:59 pm
Congra ! n Thanks a lot for ur support as well.
in fact..i m reli sad n wanna give up actually..but my frd said i should not give up n dunt even hv to think give up except i can change field..(but cant la..i hv washed my head already, but i m still quite worry ..as i dun hv enough confidence )
anywayz..I will add oil must get a pass !!!!!
Yes…u add oil to ur CFA level 1!! (some of my frd are fighting the same exam with u)! ga yau
February 18th, 2012 at 2:25 pm
只係淨一個 Exam, 無理由因為佢而轉 Field, 唯有頂硬上
其實 QP 係一半講運一半講實力既考試, 所以唔駛無信心呀
我覺得第二次考前, 應該唸一唸上一次究竟衰咩, 呢個係最重要
MA and MC 我都肥過, 之後再 Review 第一次既 past paper 既 soluttion 先明白自己原來錯得好緊要, 所以 Review the pastpaper you examed is one of the cues to find out what wrong in the exam. 希望今年八月, 會聽到你既好消息 =)
CFA level 1, 進發!!!!! XD
August 12th, 2012 at 3:21 pm
Hi! I just cant wait to share my happiness to you that I got pass the FE finally laaaaaaa!!!
August 17th, 2012 at 5:11 pm
Phoebe~~ 恭喜你呀~~~~

我又多個 CPA 朋友喇~~~ haha~ =PP
快D遞 form 報 Charter 啦~~ Really can’t be wait any more ar!!
BTW, 我 CFA level 1 都合格左呀^^, 下年向 Level 2 進發, 一齊加油!!!!

August 19th, 2012 at 11:09 pm
Tks Tks!!
I will submit my form soon laaa..
Congra to u too !!!
When will u have ur next level 2 exam ? Dec or June ar?
Add oil tgt !!!
August 28th, 2012 at 10:50 am
My next exam is 2013 Jun, but before that, would like to apply GMAT this year and struggling for applying MBA next year….
I should start to plan my future…….
September 2nd, 2012 at 12:31 am
Add oil to your preparation of exam as well as ur planning of future!!!
September 17th, 2012 at 12:36 am
Will u go to the graduation dinner on 2 Nov?
October 13th, 2012 at 1:31 pm
我準備下年一月就會開始溫書, 希望我可以到時 pick up 返狀態啦 =)
Yes, I will go ar =]