今日收到一個消息, 我將要做一個雙失青年
公司規定, 合約圓滿後要停薪留職至少兩星期
所有重新簽定的合約, 必須兩星期後才生效
兩星期的空檔期, 對我來說, 感覺很空洞
從大學畢業後, 就沒有一刻停過
一至五上班, 兩至三日下班後上堂, 六日假期有半日或大半日做 part-time, 其餘時間拍拖
因第一份工要兼身做 support, 要隨時 on call (24×7), 所以很多時都被半夜急call, 起身救火
放 AL, 除了一兩次是為了去旅行, 其他的, 都用作考試溫書
對我來說, 放假同工作是沒有太大分別, 除了考試
去旅行是自由行, 所以同是朝九晚十一, 加上步行時間多, 乘車時間少 (有時心想, 去旅行還辛苦過返工 =P)
放紅日, 早上多數都要做 part-time, 一樣早起
但這些都是我選擇的, 並沒有因為辛苦而唔開心過!
因為初入職時薪酬低, 所以想繼續做大學時賴以為生的 part-time
因為覺得自己學識只局限理科工程的知識, 所以毅然進修商科
這樣的生活, 都變成了一種習慣
一架不斷向前邁進的火車, 突然急停剎車
一個站在路軌的女人, 在火車頭前大叫 “分手喇!!”, 然後不知不覺地消失
接著, 再次開動, 繼續前行, 還越開越快
“吱~~~~~~~~~” 又一次急速停車的聲音
又是一個站在路軌的女人, 襯衣上印上HR 兩字, 她又向火車頭大叫 “你失業喇!!”
但經過上次的經驗, 這次火車司機懂得將停下來的時間加下油, 作簡單的維修
因為兩星期後, 火車將會比以前開得更快, 走得更遠!
起初聽到消息, 都有一秒鐘不太開心
沒有工作, 整個人好像很頹廢
相反, 平日辛苦工作完一日, 會很滿足, 因為好像盡自己能力為社會付出了甚麼似的
但其實這兩星期, 正好給我時間好好溫書
因為五月頭便考試, 考試前需要大量時間專心讀書
所以工作還是放下吧~~~ 好好去油站加加油 XP
既然雙失我都做過!!! 將來還有甚麼可怕! let’s fly over the rainbow!!
昨日的雨天, 便是今天的彩虹 : )
Aselin Debison – Somewhere over the rainbow
Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
And the dreams that you dream of
once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly
And the dreams that you dream of,
dreams really do come true
Someday I’ll wish upon a star, wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney tops,
that’s where you’ll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly
And the dreams that you dare to, oh why, oh why can’t I?
Well I see trees of green and red roses too,
I’ll watch them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
Well I see skies of blue and clouds of white
and the brightness of day
I like the dark
and I think to myself, what a wonderful world
The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
are also on the faces of people passing by
I see friends shaking hands saying,
How do you do?
They’re really saying, I – I love you
I hear babies cry and I watch them grow,
they’ll learn much more than we’ll know
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
Someday I’ll wish upon a star, wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney tops,
that’s where you’ll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
And the dreams that you dare to, oh why, oh why can’t I?
February 27th, 2009 at 12:08 am
Cheers~~~ =)
February 27th, 2009 at 1:43 am
let’s fly over the rainbow~

February 27th, 2009 at 2:21 am
> Katherine
> Drew
Go Go Go! my dears~